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contoh kalimat double falcon

"double falcon" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • The next attestation of Double Falcon was discovered in 1912 during excavations by Hermann Junker on the site of Tura, where a tomb yielded a complete jar bearing a serekh topped by two falcons.
    Penemuan selanjutnya terjadi pada tahun 1912 oleh Hermann Junker di situs Tura, di mana terdapat sebuah makam dengan stoples lengkap yang diatasnya terdapat dua ekor elang.
  • More recently, serekhs of Double Falcon have been found in the Sinai Peninsula, in Tell Ibrahim Awad in the eastern Delta, in Adaima and Abydos in Upper Egypt, and in the Palmahim quarry in southern Israel.
    Baru-baru ini, beberapa serekh raja Dju ditemukan di Sinai, di Tell Ibrahim Awad, bagian timur delta, di Adaima dan Abydos, Mesir Hulu, dan di dalam tambang Palmahim di bagian selatan Israel.